Friday, June 09, 2006

Ka-ching! Wedding price tag nears $30K

Survey: Bridal spending tops $125 billion; parents less likely to foot ballooning bill.

I wonder what is driving up the cost of wedding? Is it the cost of living, or are weddings becoming more elaborate in general? Does that survey include all sorts of weddings, even city hall ones? And what is this The Fairchild Bridal Group. Must be some kind of industry marketing firm. It piqued me interest. I found this very interesting suvery published by The Fairchild Bridal Group in PDF format:
(note the URL! What a domain name!)


Anonymous said...

Hi there Irie,

Speaking of expenses, I wanted to let you and your
readers know that, an internet jewelry retailer headquartered in Rhode Island, is holding a contest for couples about to get married. The grand prize is a $10,000 jewelry shopping spree on Contestants are asked to make creative home videos about their proposal. They can be funny, insightful, serious, awkward or poignant. The only real requirement is that they be entertaining. The promotion is tied into a campaign involving home videos of proposals gone horribly awry, so perspective contestants are encouraged to have fun with the premise.

More details, contestant videos as well as rules and
regulations can be found at:

Our original proposal gone wrong video pieces can be seen on YouTube as well. Here is one rather
uncomfortable example:

Onstage Proposal:

I hope you're well and thanks for checking this out! It's a great way to potentially save a lot of money!


Anonymous said...

hello again!

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to let you know that,
in addition to the $10,000 grand prize “Proposal Gone Wrong” video contest (, is currently offering 20% off purchases made on their website.

To receive 20% off everything except diamonds and watches, plus free shipping, customers simply need to enter the promotion code TWENTYOFF at checkout.

